Chief’s Message
Chief’s Message
It is an honor to have the opportunity to lead the brave and honorable men and women of the Riverside Township Police Department in the mission of providing you unparalleled public safety. The Riverside Township Police Department has a history of dedicated service and collaborative community engagement. My goal is to strengthen and support the ideals of protection and service for all members of our diverse community. In pursuit of advancing the principles of 21st Century Policing, I am dedicated to strengthening trust and collaboration, with an emphasis on public safety and officer well-being.
It is my strong belief that we have an outstanding police department. The members of the Riverside Township Police Department possess exceptional knowledge, skills, and understanding driven by a strong sense of compassion. Our goal will be to apply our strengths to provide the highest quality of police service to our community.
It has been said that, “The community are the police, and the police are the community.” This sums up my opinion that our goals are best achieved through our immersion into the community, our continual training, and our vigilance. I am excited about our future and I look forward to working with the community as we continue to make Riverside Township a great place to live, work, and play.
H. David Jaensch
Chief of Police